You Don't Want Squirrels Hanging Around Your Waldorf Property



Fall is a time of the year filled with leaves changing from green to golden hues of red and yellow, cooler temperatures, and lower humidity. We know winter is coming when snow will cover the ground, leaves will be gone, and the days will be cold. Of course, animals instinctively know winter is coming, and they are gathering food and searching for shelter. One animal preparing for the coming cold weather is the squirrel.

Squirrels are investigating your home and property as a potential winter shelter; you don't want squirrels wintering on your property for many reasons. To ensure squirrels vacation somewhere else, you need the Waldorf pest control experts from Mike's Pest, Termite, and Wildlife Control. Our locally owned and operated company understands the problems squirrels cause residents. 

Characteristics Of Common Squirrels

Squirrels are everywhere, but most people know little about these creatures. The following are squirrel characteristics to help us learn more about this animal:

  • Squirrels are rodents. One defining characteristic of rodents is their constantly growing incisor teeth. Squirrels chew on nuts because they must keep their growing incisors trimmed. Like all rodents, the incisors of squirrels do not stop growing, and if they do not keep their incisors trimmed, their teeth can expand to the point where the squirrel cannot eat. 
  • Squirrels are medium-sized rodents averaging about 12 inches in height.
  • Squirrels tend to be solitary and do not live in groups.
  • Squirrels have long tails. A squirrel's tail is about 10 inches in length and is used to provide agility and speed and help with jumping. 
  • Squirrels live in tree cavities or build a nest in tree branches.
  • Squirrels are active during the day and return to their nest of dried leaves at night.
  • Squirrels become inactive or hibernate during the winter

Controlling squirrels on your Waldorf property is imperative because they like to spend overwinter in attics. 

The Many Problems Squirrels Can Create 

Squirrels are wildlife but have become accustomed to living near humans. As cold weather arrives, squirrels search for warm places to shelter for the winter. Since they are in trees, they are at the same level as attic vents. Because many attic vents have unprotected openings, squirrels enter homes and shelter in attics.

Because of the need to gnaw, squirrels in the house cause damage to the internet, phone, electrical wiring, wall insulation, and exterior siding. Like all living creatures, squirrels defecate, and the odor of their pungent urine and feces can create an unpleasant smell throughout the house.

Although they will not attack humans unprovoked, a squirrel will attack if cornered and threatened. Some squirrels, like the tree squirrel, spread tularemia and ringworm infections. 

Five No-Sweat Ways To Prevent Squirrels Around Your Property

To keep squirrels out of the attic, you must first work to keep them off your Waldorf property. These five squirrel control methods will keep squirrels away from your property:

  1. Prevent standing water on your property. Removing bird baths and other water sources will discourage squirrels from settling on your property.
  2. Remove food sources like bird feeders and other animal foods from your location.
  3. Install wire mesh over your garden to prevent squirrels from accessing the food. 
  4. Trim shrubs to minimize nest-building locations. 
  5. Install a fake owl on the roof. Owls are natural predators of squirrels; the faux owl may scare the squirrel away.

If your yard is fenced, controlling ground squirrels can be accomplished by allowing your dogs or cats to roam in the yard during the day.

The Secret To Total Squirrel Control For Your Property

Mike's Pest, Termite, and Wildlife Control provides squirrel control in Waldorf. When we conduct your free inspection, we will identify the cause of the squirrel infestation and develop a custom pest control treatment plan to eradicate them from your Waldorf property. Contact us today and schedule your free detailed inspection!
